
Now for something completely different, a screenshot of my favorite world in Mine Craft Pocket Edition (with a couple of Pixlr-o-matic effects applied – specifically Harry-Wiped-Autumn) .

I’ve named this world ‘1967’, and in a wild coincidence the seed for it is also 1967. It contains lots of cliffs, mountains, overhangs, and in general a lot of variety – I’m not much of one for flat worlds, and usually end up build caves rather than houses.  There’s not an overabundance of trees in this world.

Here’s a couple of other screenshots (with some Pixlr-o-Matic effects applied for interest’s sake):




Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some, um,  digging to do…


  1. Speaking of digging…soon after posting this, you were out digging dandelions. The lawn looks pretty great. Thanks, Hon.

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